September 20, 2016


The Banner County Board of Equalization met in regular session in the Commissioners’ room of the Banner County Courthouse on September 20, 2016. This is in accordance with the adjournment of the September 6, 2016 meeting and notice published in the Scottsbluff Star Herald and posting notices in Harrisburg, NE at the Post Office, the Banner County School, and at the clerk’s office and on the front window of the Banner County Courthouse.  Proof of publication is on file in the office of the County Clerk and is made a part of the proceedings by reference.

The agenda for the meeting was kept current and was available during the regular business hours at the office of the County Clerk.  A copy was emailed to each board member on September 16, 2016.  The agenda was not amended less than 24 hours prior to the meeting.

The Chairman called the meeting to order at the hour of 8:38 a.m. Present on roll call were: Chairman Robert J Gifford; Vice Chairman John- Robert Faden; Member Robert Post; Tom Neal, Highway Superintendent, and Lori Hostetler, Clerk.

The Chairman stated that the open meetings law is posted on the meeting room wall and that paper copies are available on the table in the corner of the room.

The agenda was examined, and Faden moved to approve as presented. Second by Gifford.  Roll call vote:  Gifford, yes; Faden, yes; Post, yes.

The minutes of the previous meeting had been supplied to each board member. Post moved to approve the minutes for September 6, 2016 and that the actions therein be ratified. Second by Faden. Roll call vote: Gifford, yes; Post, yes; Faden, yes.


Faden made a motion to adjourn the Banner County Board of Equalization meeting at 8:45 a.m.  Second by Post.  Roll call vote: Gifford, yes; Faden, yes; Post, yes. The next meeting will be held in regular session on October 4, 2016 or at the call of the clerk.  A full agenda of the matters to be considered at such date and time is kept continually current and is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the Banner County Clerk in the Courthouse in Harrisburg.



The Banner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session in the Commissioners’ room of the Banner County Courthouse on September 20, 2016.  This is in accordance with the adjournment of the September 6, 2016 meeting and notice published in the Scottsbluff Star Herald and posting notices in Harrisburg, NE at the Post Office, the Banner County School, the clerk’s office, and on the front window of the Banner County Courthouse.  Proof of publication is on file in the office of the County Clerk and is made a part of the proceedings by reference.

The agenda for the meeting was kept current and was available during the regular business hours at the office of the County Clerk.  A copy was emailed to each board member on September 16, 2016.  The agenda was not amended less than 24 hours prior to the meeting.

The chairman called the meeting to order at the hour of 8:45 a.m. with the pledge of allegiance to the flag.  Present on roll call were: Chairman Robert J Gifford; Vice Chairman John- Robert Faden; Member Robert Post; Tom Neal, Highway Superintendent; Cris Burks, Weed Superintendent, and Lori Hostetler, Clerk. Also present at various times: Monty Stoddard, Treasurer.

The chairman stated that the open meetings law is posted on the meeting room wall and that paper copies are available on the table by the door.

The agenda was examined and Post moved to approve. Second by Faden. Roll call vote: Gifford, yes; Post, yes; Faden, yes.

The minutes of the previous meeting had been supplied to each board member. Faden moved to approve the minutes for September 6, 2016 and that the actions therein be ratified:  Second by Post.  Roll call vote: Post, yes; Faden, yes; Gifford, yes.  


2015 Annual Report of Traffic Crash Facts from Nebraska Department of Roads

Campaign letter from Larry L. Cerny who is up for re-election to the NIRMA Board of Directors

Letter from NIRMA regarding the upcoming Annual Membership Meeting and the
nomination/election of NIRMA Board members


The following claims were audited, and Faden moved that the claims be approved and warrants ordered drawn on the respective funds. Second by Post. Roll call vote: Faden, yes; Post, yes; Gifford, yes.

                                                             GENERAL FUND

Banner County Court, cc costs - 51.00; Carrot-Top Industries Inc., bldg repair - 93.58; Centurylink, county court - 547.02; Country Printer, supplies - 119.00; DAS State Accounting-Central Finance, data processing - 96.84; High West Energy, lights - 603.00; Margaret Hopkins, janitorial - 9.01; Ideal Linen Supply, janitorial - 48.12; MIPS Inc., data processing - 1,349.95; Peerless Tire Company, cars - 54.94; Sandberg Implement, Inc., other equip repair - 229.49; Sharon Sandberg, lodging - 159.92; Star-Herald, publishing - 313.04; Totalfunds By Hasler, postage - 300.00; Verizon Wireless, phone - 62.89

                                                                 ROAD FUND

B & C Steel Corporation, steel - 111.66; Banner County Treasurer, misc - 1,774.35; Bud's Radiator Inc, road equip rep - 487.00; Centurylink, phone - 166.83; Lois Dillinger, gravel & borrow - 200.00; Fastenal Company, shop supplies - 280.99; Heilbrun's, repair parts - 460.52; High West Energy, lights - 180.00; Ideal Linen Supply, shop supplies - 24.13; Inland Truck Parts & Service, repair parts - 14,697.36; Johnson & Singleton, LLC, gravel - 42.00; Kimball Auto Parts, LLC, shop supplies - 1031.59; Networkfleet, Inc., shop supplies - 196.75; NMC Exchange LLC, repair parts - 7,292.19; Pack Rat Disposal, garbage - 150.00; Panhandle Coop Association, grease & oil - 7,044.82; Pt Hose And Bearing, repairs - 137.75; Sioux City Foundry Co, grader blades - 1,008.80; Thompson Glass, Inc., repair parts - 326.86; Verizon Wireless, phone - 52.89; Wyrulec Co., lights - 26.12


Banner County Treasurer, misc - 498.11


MIPS Inc., misc. – 78.99

62.00; Star-Herald, misc. – 14.51



Item #1 – Consider and adopt amended resolution appointing a depository bank – After review, Gifford made a motion to adopt the amended resolution appointing a depository bank. Second by Faden. Roll call vote: Post, yes; Faden, yes; Gifford, yes.


Bob Gifford stated that the Panhandle Public Health District wants to add Scotts Bluff County to its membership. There must be a public hearing before that can be approved.

The commissioners reviewed the specifications for the new emergency siren. An advertisement for bids will be published, and the bids will be opened at the October 18th meeting.

Monty Stoddard, Treasurer presented the pledged collateral report. He informed that he will be attending several legislative meetings in October.

Lori Hostetler, Clerk presented the clerk and clerk of the district court fee reports. She said that with Banner County being the host county, everything is ready for the Panhandle Officials’ District meeting to be held on the 21st. She reported that she has received notification that this year’s budget has been submitted to the state. She also said she will be attending the Annual NIRMA Conference in Kearney in October.

Cris Burks, Weed Superintendent reported that all county roads have been gone over three times. She said Toadflax has been discovered in the county, and she will be aggressive in treating it. She also informed that she will be attending Fall Training in Kearney on November 2nd.

Faden made a motion to go into executive session for the purpose of evaluating the job performance of the weed superintendent and to prevent needless injury to the reputation of an individual. Second by Post. Roll call vote: Post, yes; Faden, yes; Gifford, yes.

Executive session was called at 9:43 a.m. Those present included: Chairman Robert J. Gifford; Vice Chairman John-Robert Faden; Member Robert Post, and Cris Burks, Weed Superintendent.

Post made a motion to come out of executive session which was called to evaluate the job performance of the weed superintendent and to prevent needless injury to the reputation of an individual. Second by Faden. Roll call vote: Post, yes; Faden, yes; Gifford, yes.

No action was taken.

9:54 a.m. - Regular meeting was resumed.

Tom Neal, Highway Superintendent reported that the autogate on Schuler’s property has been installed. He said that he was notified that because the culverts at the intersection of County Roads 14 and 53 span 23 feet, the area should be classified as a bridge and will need to be inspected. He also stated that the asphalt at the intersection of Stegall Road and Highway 88W is eroding so they are going to put millings on to build it up. Monty Stoddard, Treasurer reported that he has received three requests for spec sheets for the motor grader bids. The bids will be opened at the October 18th meeting.

Post made a motion to go into executive session for the purpose of evaluating the job performance of the highway superintendent and to prevent needless injury to the reputation of an individual. Second by Faden. Roll call vote: Post, yes; Faden, yes; Gifford, yes.

Executive session was called at 10:20 a.m. Those present included: Chairman Robert J. Gifford; Vice Chairman John-Robert Faden; Member Robert Post, and Tom Neal, Highway Superintendent.

Faden made a motion to come out of executive session which was called to evaluate the job performance of the highway superintendent and to prevent needless injury to the reputation of an individual. Second by Post. Roll call vote: Post, yes; Faden, yes; Gifford, yes.

No action was taken.

11:00 a.m. - Regular meeting was resumed.

Faden made a motion to adjourn the meeting of the Banner County Board of Commissioners at 11:08 a.m.  Second by Post.  Roll call vote: Faden, yes; Post, yes; Gifford, yes. The next meeting will be held in regular session on October 4, 2016 or at the call of the clerk.  A full agenda of the matters to be considered at such date and time is kept continually current and is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the Banner County Clerk in the Courthouse in Harrisburg.