July 19, 2016


The Banner County Board of Equalization met in regular and special session in the Commissioners’ room of the Banner County Courthouse on July 19, 2016. This is in accordance with the adjournment of the July 5, 2016 meeting and notice published in the Scottsbluff Star Herald and posting notices in Harrisburg, NE at the Post Office, the Banner County School, and at the clerk’s office and on the front window of the Banner County Courthouse.  Proof of publication is on file in the office of the County Clerk and is made a part of the proceedings by reference.

The agenda for the meeting was kept current and was available during the regular business hours at the office of the County Clerk.  A copy was emailed to each board member on July 15, 2016.  The agenda was not amended less than 24 hours prior to the meeting.

The Chairman called the meeting to order at the hour of 8:32 a.m. Present on roll call were: Chairman Robert J Gifford; Member Robert Post; Sharon Sandberg, Assessor; Jim Zimmerman, Attorney; Toney Krajewski, Assistant Highway Superintendent; Carl Gilbert, Surveyor; Tim Newman, Emergency Manager, and Lori Hostetler, Clerk. Also present at various times: Butch Schuler and F. Bert Linn.

The Chairman stated that the open meetings law is posted on the meeting room wall and that paper copies are available on the table in the corner of the room.

The agenda was examined, and Post moved to approve as presented. Second by Gifford.  Roll call vote:  Gifford, yes; Post, yes.

The minutes of the previous meeting had been supplied to each board member. Gifford moved to approve the minutes for July 5, 2016 and that the actions therein be ratified. Second by Post. Roll call vote: Gifford, yes; Post, yes.

CORRESPONDENCE – Letter from landowner regarding his dissatisfaction with the increase in land values.

Recessed at 8:39 a.m

Resumed at 11:00 a.m.


1. Certification by the assessor that a copy of the portion of the property record file which substantiates the calculation of the protest value is maintained in the assessor's office. –Sharon Sandberg, County Assessor certified to the board that any information that is in the property record card and any information from the hearing is maintained in the assessor’s office and copies are available.

2. Protest Hearing – 11:00 a.m.
F. Bert Linn - Trustee

Robert Gifford, Chairman called the hearing to order at 11:01 a.m.

16-2 – F. Bert Linn - Trustee
F. Bert Linn expressed his concern over how much the valuation of his land has went up over the last four years.

Robert Gifford, Chairman closed the hearing at 11:15 a.m.

3. Discussion and possible decision on protest hearing –

16-2 – F. Bert Linn - Trustee

Assessor’s recommendation – The assessor’s recommendation was that the valuation remains the same.

Post made a motion to accept the assessor’s recommendation that the valuation remains the same because there was no evidence presented to justify a change. Second by Faden. Roll call vote: Gifford, yes; Faden, yes; Post, yes.

Post made a motion to adjourn the Banner County Board of Equalization meeting at 11:18 a.m.  Second by Faden.  Roll call vote: Gifford, yes; Faden, yes; Post, Yes. The next meeting will be held in regular session on August 2, 2016 or at the call of the clerk.  A full agenda of the matters to be considered at such date and time is kept continually current and is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the Banner County Clerk in the Courthouse in Harrisburg.




The Banner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session in the Commissioners’ room of the Banner County Courthouse on July 19, 2016.  This is in accordance with the adjournment of the July 5, 2016 meeting and notice published in the Scottsbluff Star Herald and posting notices in Harrisburg, NE at the Post Office, the Banner County School, the clerk’s office, and on the front window of the Banner County Courthouse.  Proof of publication is on file in the office of the County Clerk and is made a part of the proceedings by reference.

The agenda for the meeting was kept current and was available during the regular business hours at the office of the County Clerk.  A copy was emailed to each board member on July 15, 2016.  The agenda was not amended less than 24 hours prior to the meeting.

The chairman called the meeting to order at the hour of 8:47 a.m. with the pledge of allegiance to the flag.  Present on roll call were: Chairman Robert J Gifford; Member Robert Post; Jim Zimmerman, Attorney; Toney Krajewski, Assistant Highway Superintendent; Monty Stoddard, Treasurer; Carl Gilbert, Surveyor; Tim Newman, Emergency Manager; Butch Schuler, and Lori Hostetler, Clerk. Also present at various times: Vice Chairman John-Robert Faden; Laura Whelchel; Tom Neal, Highway Superintendent, and Cris Burks, Weed Superintendent.

The chairman stated that the open meetings law is posted on the meeting room wall and that paper copies are available on the table by the door.

The agenda was examined and Post moved to approve. Second by Gifford. Roll call vote: Gifford, yes; Post, yes.

The minutes of the previous meeting had been supplied to each board member. Gifford moved to approve the minutes for July 19, 2016 and that the actions therein be ratified:  Second by Post.  Roll call vote: Post, yes; Gifford, yes.  


Letter from Banner County School informing that they had accepted the bid from WESTCO to
supply propane for the upcoming year.

Letter from Panhandle Public Health District regarding a refund available for the prevention of
West Nile Virus spread.

 Invitation to open house from Panhandle Public Health District

Letter from Panhandle Area Development District requesting county’s participation and

Noxious Weed Newsletter

Proposal from Don Wilson for professional audit services


The following claims were audited, and Post moved that the claims be approved and warrants ordered drawn on the respective funds. Second by Faden. Roll call vote: Faden, yes; Post, yes; Gifford, yes.

                                                             GENERAL FUND
Baker & Associates, labor & mileage - 4,514.32; Banner County District Court, dc costs - 70.00; C-Weed Management LLC, contract services - 263.50; Centurylink, county court - 525.87; Lisa Cross, holding acct - 31.36; Das State Accounting-Central Finance, data processing - 117.80; John-Robert Faden, holding acct - 11.20; First Concord Benefits Group, LLC, HRA - 25.00; Robert Gifford, holding acct - 24.68; GIS Workshop, GIS - 155.00; High West Energy, lights - 624.00; Lori Hostetler, holding acct - 31.36; Ideal Linen Supply, janitorial - 220.41; Donna McGowan, holding acct - 24.68; MCI, phone - 53.21; MIPS Inc, data processing - 1,352.12; Nebraska County Attorneys Assoc, dues - 484.00; Oregon Trail Plumbing,Htg & Cooling, bldg repair - 6,100.00; Panhandle Coop Association, Fuel - 160.51; William C Peters, ct appt counsel - 224.00; Robert A Post, holding acct - 24.68; Postmaster, misc - 58.00; Region I Mental Hlth & Subs Abuse, Region 1 - 3,158.00; Sandberg Implement, Inc., courthouse equip. - 5,450.00; Sharon Sandberg,
holding acct - 11.20; Scotts Bluff Co Detention Center, prisoner board - 840.00; Monty A. Stoddard, holding acct - 31.36; Verizon Wireless, phone - 62.86; James Zimmerman, holding acct - 24.68

                                                                 ROAD FUND

Centurylink, phone - 167.04; Contractors Materials, Inc., reflectors - 50.00; Crescent Electric Supply Co., shop supplies - 39.22; Dale's Tire & Retreading Inc, tires & tire repair - 3,451.45; Deere Credit, Inc, mach hire-rent - 14,519.59; Jay D Dove, holding acct - 22.28; Jordan Golden, holding acct - 11.20; Heilbrun's, repair parts - 96.25; High West Energy, lights - 173.00; Hotel Grand Conference Center, lodging - 189.90; Ideal Linen Supply, shop supplies - 103.27; Inland Truck Parts & Service, repair parts - 37.33; Johnson Cashway, shop supplies - 17.97; Kimball Auto Parts, LLC, shop supplies - 1,108.47; Koski & Nitz - C/O Lynne Koski, gravel & hardpan - 1,037.50; MCI, phone - 3.81; Nebraska Dept. Of Revenue, misc - 316.00; Networkfleet, Inc., shop supplies - 178.57; NMC Exchange LLC, repair parts - 2,418.50; Panhandle Coop Association, lf fuel & diesel - 5,296.65; The Peetz Farmers Coop Co., heating fuel - 446.80; Sandberg Implement, Inc., repair parts - 76.08; Laryl Taggart, reimburse - 100.00; Verizon Wireless, phone - 52.86; Western Pathology Consultant Inc., drug testing - 40.50; Wyrulec Co, lights - 26.24

                                        PRESERVATION & MODERNIZATION

MIPS, Inc, misc – 66.82


Butch Schuler asked about getting a timeline for the installation of an autogate. There was
discussion of the delay because the phone company wants to relocate a cable.

Item #1 – Approval of applications for snow removal or surface grading -   Applications were approved.

Item #2 – Approval of inventories – After review, Faden made a motion to approve the inventories of clerk; real estate; assessor; attorney, and treasurer. Second by Post. Roll call vote: Faden, yes; Gifford, yes; Post, yes.

Laura Whelchel, owner of The Double L Country Store discussed the problems she is having with the Nebraska Dept. of Roads because of signs that advertise her café that are posted on private land near Highway 71.

Item #3 –Discussion on installing a fiber optic line to the courthouse – Monty Stoddard, Treasurer said that he was continuing to get information and would give an update at the next meeting.

Item #4 – **Appoint a representative to Panhandle Public Health District – Gifford made a motion to appoint Marie Parker to the Panhandle Public Health District. Second by Faden. Roll call vote: Gifford, yes. Faden, yes; Post, yes.

Tim Newman, Emergency Manager discussed the availability of a warning siren with voice capability.


Carl Gilbert, Surveyor reported that there is now a link to surveys and corners on the county website.

Monty Stoddard, Treasurer reported that he had sent out a letter to subdivisions who will be affected by a refund of taxes to be issued to High West Energy.

Lori Hostetler, Clerk presented the clerk and the clerk of the district court fee reports.

Cris Burks, Weed Superintendent said that things are going well, and they have been over all the roads once.

Tom Neal, Highway Superintendent reported that they are going to start repairing roads in the east-central part of the county and have leased a tractor so they can finish the mowing. He presented the Annual Certification of Highway Allocation that he had sent in to the state and also   discussed getting information on the options available for the purchase of a new or used motor grader.

Faden made a motion to adjourn the meeting of the Banner County Board of Commissioners at 10:33 a.m.  Second by Post.  Roll call vote: Faden, yes; Post, yes; Gifford, yes. The next meeting will be held in regular session on August 2, 2016 or at the call of the clerk.  A full agenda of the matters to be considered at such date and time is kept continually current and is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the Banner County Clerk in the Courthouse in Harrisburg.