June 28, 2016


he Banner County Board of Commissioners met in special end-of-the-year session in the Commissioners’ room of the Banner County Courthouse on June 28, 2015.  This is in accordance with the adjournment of the June 21, 2016 meeting and notice published in the Scottsbluff Star Herald and posting notices in Harrisburg, NE at the Post Office, the Banner County School, the clerk’s office and on the front window of the Banner County Courthouse.  Proof of publication is on file in the office of the County Clerk and is made a part of the proceedings by reference.

The agenda for the meeting was kept current and was available during the regular business hours at the office of the County Clerk.  A copy was e-mailed to each board member on June 24, 2016.  The agenda was not amended less than 24 hours prior to the meeting.

The Chairman called the meeting to order at the hour of 8:51 a.m. with the pledge of allegiance to the flag.  Present on roll call were: Chairman, Robert J. Gifford; Vice Chairman, John-Robert Faden; Member, Robert Post; Monty Stoddard, Treasurer, and Lori Hostetler, Clerk.

The Chairman stated that the open meetings law is posted on the meeting room wall, and that paper copies are available on the table by the door.

The agenda was examined and Faden moved to approve. Second by Post. Roll call vote: Faden, yes; Post, yes; Gifford, yes.

The minutes of the previous meeting had been supplied to each board member. Post moved to approve the minutes for June 21, 2016 and that the actions therein be ratified:  Second by Faden. Roll call vote: Post, yes; Faden, yes; Gifford, yes.  


The following claims were audited, and Post moved that the claims be approved, and warrants ordered drawn on the respective funds. Second by Faden. Roll call vote: Gifford, yes; Faden, yes; Post, yes.
Stan McKnight, reimburse - 438.88; William C Peters, ct appt counsel - 2,857.60

                                                               ROAD FUND

CAT Financial, machine hire - 5,750.00; Home Depot Credit - shop supplies - 141.29

                                                            FAIR BOARD

Banner County Fair , fair expense - 3,300.00


Monty Stoddard, Treasurer presented the pledged collateral report.

Lori Hostetler, Clerk discussed that she had been informed that the audit for 2015 had not been submitted to the state by the auditor. She said she contacted FALCO. They apologized and sent it, and she reported that she had received confirmation of receipt from the state.

Gifford made a motion to adjourn the meeting of the Banner County Board of Commissioners at 9:14 a.m.  Second by Faden.  Roll call vote: Faden, yes; Post, yes; Gifford, yes. The next regular meeting will be held in regular session on July 5, 2016 or at the call of the clerk.  A full agenda of the matters to be considered at such date and time is kept continually current and is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the Banner County Clerk in the Courthouse in Harrisburg.