Board of Commissioners Meeting

Monday, April 29, 2024

Event Date(s)



Regular meeting of the Banner County Board of Commissioners.


The Banner County Board of Commissioners will consider, take necessary action, and may go into executive session (pursuant to Section 84-1410 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska), when applicable. Any agenda item may be moved at any time at the discretion of the Chairperson of the Board. Public hearings will be called at the times noted.

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Nebraska Open Meetings Act: A copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is posted in the back of this courtroom by the entrance.
  4. Prayer
  5. Pledge of Allegiance
  6. Consent Agenda Items:
    • Approval of Agenda
    • Adopt Minutes - April 16, 2024
    • Correspondence
      • Peetz Farmer’s Cooperative Company
    • Claims
  7. Public Comments: The Banner County Board of Commissioners will receive public comments on items discussed at this meeting, or suggestions for items of discussion at a future Banner County Board of Commissioners meeting. The Board will not act and/or respond on comments presented this date. Please keep comments to three minutes.
  8. Reports:
    • Highway/Weed Department - Tim Grubbs
    • Sheriff - Zane Hopkins
    • County Attorney - Mark Kovarik
    • County Treasurer - Kathy Natale
    • County Clerk - Katie West
    • County Assessor - Kacy Krakow
    • Surveyor - Carl Gilbert
    • Commissioners
      • Don Lease
      • Robin Darnall
      • Laif Anderson
  9. Items of Business Before the Board:
    • Emergency Management Region 22 Facility Agreement - Ashley Hopkins
    • Landscaping Estimates - Daniel Taggert
    • Reimbursement for Survey - Carl Gilbert
    • Appoint Interim Road Foreman
    • Appoint Safety Committee Members
    • Postage Machine - Clerk West
    • Void Check #02404090 - Clerk West
    • Courthouse Office Glass Removal, Building Security Protocol
    • Multiple County use Fire Spotted Airplane
    • Discussion Road Department/Road Superintendent
  10. Adjournment

Next Regular Banner County Board of Commissioner Meeting

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

4:45 p.m.

The Chairperson of the Board may call agenda items out of order, however, public hearings as noted will be called at the times noted. The Banner County Board of Commissioners may discuss, consider, and take necessary action on agenda items listed. The Banner County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to convene in Executive Session pursuant to Section 84-1410 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska.

Additions may not be made to this agenda less than 24 hours before the beginning of the scheduled meeting unless added as an '‘emergency item'‘. Emergency agenda items, as required by State Law, may be considered by the Banner County Board of Commissioners. An emergency is " a sudden unforeseen happening or event which calls for immediate action and remedy.'‘

The agenda shall be kept continually current and is available for public inspection at the Banner County Clerk's office during regular business hours.


**This is a condensed version of the Banner County Board of Commissioners meeting minutes. These minutes are not the official/approved version. A draft/unapproved copy of the Banner County Board of Commissioner meeting minutes is available for public viewing 10 days post meeting date at the Banner County Clerk’s office. For a complete and/or approved version of the Banner County Board of Commissioner meeting minutes, please contact Katie West, Banner County Clerk, during regular business hours.**

Commissioners Proceedings

The Banner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 8:45 a.m. in the courtroom of the Banner County Courthouse.

Notice of the meeting was published in the Western Nebraska Observer. A copy of proof of publication is on file in the office of the Banner County Clerk. Meeting notices posted in Harrisburg, Nebraska at: Post Office, Banner County School, and the Banner County Courthouse.

The agenda for the meeting was kept current and was available during the regular business hours at the office of the Banner County Clerk.  A copy was emailed to each board member on Monday, May 6, 2024.

  1. Chairperson Darnall called meeting called to order at 8:45 a.m.
  2. Clerk West took roll call, showing all Board members present.
  3. Chairperson Darnall announced a copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is posted in the back of the courtroom by the entrance.
  4. Lease led prayer.
  5. Pledge of Allegiance was said.
  6. Consent Agenda:
    • Approval of Agenda: Motion by Anderson to approve agenda. Second by Lease. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
    • Adopt minutes April 16,2024: Motion by Lease to adopt April 16, 2024 minutes. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall no; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
    • Correspondence:
      • Peetz Farmer’s Co-op: Banner County School contracts propane for Banner County. Correspondence explaining changes taking place.
    • Claims: Motion by Anderson to approve claims. Second by Lease. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
      • General: Aflac $364.51 - employee benefits; Aptive $11,153.69 - health insurance; Argus $218.84 - dental insurance; Banner Capitol Bank $4,131.70 - health savings accounts; Colonial Life $205.06 - dental insurance; Vision Service Plan $209.02 - vision insurance; Amazon $402.22 - shop bathroom supplies; Culligan $32.50 - water; Douglas, Kelly, Ostdeik $160.00 - attorney fees; Tim Grubbs $400.00 - shop bathroom supplies; GWorks $277.00 - assessor maintenance; Hometown Leasing $138.64 - copier; Ideal Linen $197.76 - janitorial supplies; Ideal Solutions $57.75 - shop janitor supplies; Scotts Bluff County $150.00 - ROD; Madelung Law $1,540.00 - county court attorney fees; Menards $425.67 - lawn mower/shop bathroom; Multi - County Information and Programming Services (MIPS) $1,628.66 - data processing; Nebraska District Court Clerk Association $50.00 - dues; Nebraska Association of County Treasurers $150.00 - training; Nebraska Resources District $50.22 - water; Pack Rat Disposal $90.00 - trash; Peetz Coop $866.04 - propane; Pritchard & Abbott $7,330.00 - appraisal services; Quadient $149.97 - postage; US Bank $805.00 - weed dept./office supplies; Westco $19.48 - fuel; Western Nebraska Papers $343.61 - election advertising; Western Nebraska Observer $926.89 - advertising; Wildcat Surveying $12,000.00 - surveying state reimbursed; Zulty’s $639.43 - telephone.
      • Sheriff: Al’s Towing $300.00 - tow service; A T & T $182.88 - cell phone; US Bank $455.67 - supplies, meals, and fuel; Westco $1,890.65 - fuel.
      • Road: Aflac $542.99 - employee benefits; Aptive $6,920.66 - health insurance; Banner Capitol Bank $1,875.02 - health savings accounts; Colonial Life $84.85 - dental insurance; Vision Service Plan $123.12 - vision insurance; First Concord $871.67 - health retirement accounts; Ideal Linen $55.52 - janitorial supplies; Nebraska Public Employees Retirement Systems (NPERS) $391.12 - vision insurance; Amazon $44.95 - shop supplies; Nebraska Machinery Co. Cat (NMC Cat) $1,515.53 - repair parts; Nebraska Resources District $31.42 - water; Peetz Coop $759.00 - propane; PT Hose & Bearing $5.05 - repairs; US Bank $22.00 - dues; Verizon $233.10 - global positioning system tracker; Westco $23,026.39 - fuel; Western Pathology Consultants Inc. $164.00 - drug testing.
  7. Public Comments: None.
  8. Reports:
    • Highway Department: Shop Foreman Tim Grubbs reported all employees are maintaining roads. Grubbs had two employees cleaning culverts. Motor in white Chevy pickup is not repairable. Lumen hit a culvert when installing the fiber optic line, Lumen will replace the culvert. Grubbs reported the employees are doing their best to repair the roads behind Lumen, roads will be repaired and maintained after Lumen fiber optic lines are complete. Permit for Lumen has been extended until August of 2024 by the Board of Commissioners. Requests for new approaches to be installed will be addressed. Advertisements have been placed for the Road Department. Discussion on gravel replacement, water for roads, and flagging culverts for the Lumen project.
    • Weed Department: Weed Superintendent Grubbs reported a training in May for the weed department. Applicant for the part time weed employee must have a commercial applicator’s license.
    • Sheriff: Sheriff Hopkins reported Deputy Luft is working on re - homing dogs. Traffic is getting busier, with higher speeds. Sheriff Hopkins reported one fatality accident in Banner County last week.
    • County Attorney: Kovarik reported Tax Equalization Review Commission (TERC) hearings were end of April. County court and District court have concluded for this week.
    • County Treasurer: Natale reported April being busy with above average tax collected currently at approximately one million dollars. Natale presented the Board with Investments and Fund Balancing report.
    • County Clerk: West reported election is Tuesday, May 14, 2024. New law requires a photo identification to vote. If photo identification is not presented, people may still vote, however vote will not be counted until photo identification is presented. Ten day allotment for identification to be presented. West spoke to Banner County School’s Future Farmer’s of America (FFA) sponsor about cleaning the courthouse basement. Tentative date for this is May 17, 2024. Banner County School FFA will be donating snacks for election day.
    • County Assessor: Krakow reported the Show/Cause hearing reflects a 28% increase on rural residential and Harrisburg properties. State liaison will do an audit to ensure it is completed. Personal Property deadline was May 1, 2024. Krakow presented Board with appraisal report. Krakow expressed the need to get Banner County updated by the end of the year. Banner County feedlots are not current. Krakow stated her goal is to have Banner County properties updated by end of 2024. Krakow will set up a different depreciation table.
    • County Surveyor: Carl Gilbert reported Nebraska Department of Transportation project on highway 88 east and 71 spur is complete. Gilbert stated he has not heard anything further on the wind projects. Sentinel project is wanting corners placed for sections S3 T17 R55 and S16 T17 R54, Gilbert will have more information on this at a late date.
    • Commissioners:
      • Don Lease: Lease stated he attended Scotts Bluff County Commissioner meeting, they denied the special use permit for Situla solar project in Scotts Bluff county. Lease also attended online education with NIRMA (Nebraska Intergovernmental Risk Management Association) about hazards and harassment.
      • Robin Darnall: Darnall stated she attended the Scotts Bluff County Commissioner meeting which she found interesting to learn how the zoning and special use permit applications are handled. Emergency Management Region 22 workshop is May 16, 2024. Banner County’s Local Emergency Operations Plan (LEOP) will be discussed. Darnall asked the Board to have an alternate for the Boards the Commissioners are attending. Anderson is the alternate for Emergency Management Region 22; Lease is the alternate for Office of Aging and Region 1 Behavioral Health; and Darrnall is the alternate for Panhandle Public Health District, Office of Human Development, and Panhandle Area Development District.
      • Laif Anderson: Anderson reported his meetings will be later this month.
  9. Items of Business Before the Board:
    • Region 22 Emergency Management Facility Agreement: Ashley Hopkins with Region 22 Emergency Management asked that a facility agreement with Banner County be completed to get the courthouse prepared for a shelter in an emergency. Hopkins met with Banner Capitol Bank and Banner County School regarding a emergency shelters. Banner County School is considered a long - term shelter if needed. Hopkins will attempt to contact the Harrisburg Community Church for a possible shelter in a weather emergency. Hopkins stated safe rooms could be an option for Banner County. Hopkins will help Banner County post blizzard funding by contacting Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Nebraska Emergency Management Agency (NEMA). Mark Kovarik will serve as the Public Information Officer (PIO) for any disasters that occur in Banner County. Motion by Anderson to approve Region 22 Emergency Management Facility Agreement, authorizing Chairperson to sign. Second by Lease. Roll call vote: Lease yes, Darnall yes, Anderson yes. Motion carried.
    • Landscaping Estimates: Clerk West presented two quotes collected by Daniel Taggart. Discussion on automatic sprinkler system, landscaping and drainage. Motion by Lease to accept quote without fence. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Lease yes, Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
    • Reimbursement for Survey: Surveyor Carl Gilbert mentioned the invoice for highway 88 east and 71 was submitted. Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) deposited the funds into Banner Capitol Bank for Banner County, thus the $12,000.00 claim for reimbursement to Wildcat Surveying. No decisions made.
    • Appoint Road Foreman: Motion by Anderson to take no action. Second by Darnall. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
    • Appoint Safety Committee: Kathy Natale, Carl Gilbert, and Sheriff Hopkins are currently on the safety committee. Motion by Lease to appoint Jay Dove to the Safety Committee. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall no; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
    • New Postage Machine: Clerk West stated the postage machine will be obsolete as of December 31, 2024. New stamp will be a quick response (QR) code. Motion by Anderson to table until July 16, 2024 meeting. Second by Lease. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
    • Courthouse Glass Removal (Building Security Protocol): Anderson mentioned there was no action taken on the glass removal last fall in a Commissioner meeting. Some courthouse Officials removed the glass barriers, Anderson would like the glass barriers re - installed for safety purposes. Discussion on County Attorney, Nebraska Intergovernmental Risk Management Association (NIRMA), and Banner County Sheriff’s office recommendations. Discussion on courthouse Officials and customer service. Motion by Lease to ask the Building and Grounds Committee to find a solution to re - install the glass barriers. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall no; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
    • Multiple County Use Fire Spotter Airplane: Anderson asked if Banner County maybe interested in fire spotter airplane services. Would be accessible for multiple counties in the panhandle, funded by grants and private donations. Discussion on benefits of this service to Banner County. Anderson will communicate with Tim Grubbs with contact information. No action taken.
    • Road Department/Road Superintendent: Board discussion on starting the hire process for a Banner County Road Superintendent. Discussion on negotiable wages and full time vs. part time. Motion by Lease to start advertising for a Banner County Road Superintendent. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
    • Adjournment: Motion by Lease to adjourn at 11:25 a.m. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.

The next regular meeting will be held May 21, 2024 at 4:45 p.m. or at the call of the Clerk. An agenda of the matters to be considered at such date and time is kept continually current and is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the Banner County Clerk in the Courthouse in Harrisburg, Nebraska.