**This is a condensed version of the Banner County Board of Commissioners meeting minutes. These minutes are not the official approved version. For a complete and/or approved version of the Banner County Board of Commissioner meeting minutes, please contact Katie West, Banner County Clerk during regular business hours.**



The Banner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session, in the courtroom of the Banner County Courthouse on February 7, 2023 at 8:45 am.

Notice of the meeting was given in advance by publication in the Western Nebraska Observer. A copy of proof of publication is on file in the office of the Banner County Clerk. Notices were posted in Harrisburg, Nebraska at the Post Office, Banner County School, and the Banner County Courthouse.

The agenda for the meeting was kept current and was available during the regular business hours at the office of the County Clerk.  A copy was emailed to each board member on February 3, 2023.

Chairperson Darnall called the meeting to order at 8:45 am. Roll call shows all members present. Also present: County Assessor Kacy Krakow; County Attorney Mark Kovarik; Treasurer Kathy Natale; County Clerk Katie West; and Highway Superintendent Tom Neal.

Chairperson Darnall stated that the open meetings act is posted in the back of this courtroom by the entrance.

Agenda was examined. Motion by Gifford to accept the agenda as presented. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Anderson yes; Darnall yes; Gifford yes. Motion carried.

The minutes of the January 31, 2023 meeting were examined. Motion by Gifford to accept the minutes as presented. Second by Darnall. Roll call vote: Anderson yes; Darnall yes; Gifford yes. Motion carried.

Correspondence - None

Public Comments - Don L. Lease II asked about snow removal on broken fence posts and fences. Lease reported a lot of snow on top of fences and some were down and posts have been broken off. Lease asked if the Road Superintendent has contacted landowners for fence line issues? Neal reported that he has not yet contacted anyone. Neal commented that we need a place for the snow, as that is an issue. Lease suggested doing a pre - plow trail in fields or snow fence to catch the snow. Barb Cross asked if the County was going to have an audit. Gifford said not a State audit. Anderson said last November was when the last audit was done and June 30 is the fiscal year end.


Highway Dept - Tom Neal: Neal reported three new hires started Monday. All three new hires have CDL license. Still moving snow. The guys finally got a weekend off. Neal also reported he helped Mike Shadick get a truck out of the ditch. Mike sent Banner County a check for $500.

Weed Supt: None hired.

County Attorney - Mark Kovarik: Working on resolutions so they are more streamlined and functional for an easier transition.

Treasurer - Kathy Natale: Busy working on reports. Hired a new assistant, Ashley Morris. She will start this coming Monday.

County Clerk - Katie West: Things are going better, having issues getting insurance turned over, as she is not the contact for Blue Cross Blue Shield. Working with Jean Bauer from Scottsbluff Register of Deeds. Making head way on training and correcting deeds.

County Assessor - Kacy Krakow: Things are going good. Sent out Homestead Act information.

Sheriff Hopkins: Returned from 30 hours of training. Received three highway grants for 100% cost preliminary breath tester, approximately half the cost for each vehicle’s radar equipment, and in - car video system. The Sheriff and Road Departments will hire an assistant, they plan to work with Zelle on the new hire.

County Surveyor - Carl Gilbert: Absent.

Commissioners: No conferences.

Commissioner Committee Reports:

Gifford; PADD, OHD, PPHD: Nothing to report as of now, meetings on Thursday.

Anderson: Office of Aging and Region 1 Behavioral Health: No meeting held yet, coming up next month.

Darnall: Thanked Tim Grubbs for his assistance in receiving the $150,000 grant for the purchase of a new ambulance.

Items of business before the board:

  1. Squarespace and Wiznerd: Nathan gave quotes for a new website ($5,000), this would have better format and more user friendly. Nathan also gave a quote for updating the current website ($2,500). Wiznerd’s fees are $55/month hosting fees, Squarespace is about $30/month for hosting fees. New website would be faster, more professional, and mobile friendly. JR West asked if we get a better website, would we be able to put road updates on it? Nathan answered that the road reports would be possible with the new website Gifford would like to give some time on a possible new website, letting the new Officials get more comfortable with their positions. Sheriff Hopkins asked if at least the contact information could be updated with the new Officials. Nathan reported that it would take a couple of months before they could start anything. Anderson requested new updates for the new Officials. Tabled until July 1, 2023.

  2. Appoint individual to Extension Board: Motion by Gifford to appoint Don Lease II to the Kimball - Banner Extension Board. Second by Darnall. Roll call vote: Anderson yes; Darnall yes; Gifford yes. Motion carried.

  3. Cigna/Attentive Insurance: Will Arthur presented for possible new insurance and supplemental insurance for Banner County employees. This would be an alternative to Blue Cross Blue Shield for more affordability. Will Arthur will send the Clerk information to be forwarded to Commissioners.

  4. Banner County Ag Society: Shavonne Singleton - Will reschedule.

  5. Bytes Computer: Landon Clark updated the Commissioners and public on new changes coming for the County computers. Two projects in March, which are network assessment and management services. The first will be an infrastructure uplift, install a network server, and a file put in place. The second will help with broken equipment, antivirus, backup, and security. Bytes is on a 12 - month contract with monthly billing.

  6. Resolution 23 - 11: Signatory approval for Banner Capitol Bank: Resolution for County Officials, Deputies, and Designees. Anderson read resolution. Motion made by Darnall to approve with the correction of Deputy Sheriff removed. Kovarik reported that this resolution will keep things current as people get hired and make it simpler and more efficient. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Anderson yes; Darnall yes; Gifford yes. Motion carried.

  7. Set machine hire rates and rates for gravel, hardpan/dirt, and mileage: Neal supplied the new rates to the Board. Motion by Gifford to adopt the rates as presented, with new changes to gravel at the pit and hardpan/dirt of $1.00/yard. Second by Darnall. Roll call vote: Anderson yes; Darnall yes; Gifford yes. Motion carried.

  8. American Tower: County and Fire Department radio towers. Tim Grubbs the antenna on a repeater on the tower is unlicensed, and the American Tower company has no agreement with Banner County. No issues, but American Tower does need an agreement. Grubbs is sending the agreement to the Clerk to send to Commissioners. Tabled to next meeting.

  9. CDL Bonus: Tom Neal - Neal reported that County road employees are required to have a CDL license after two years of employment with Banner County. Federal motor carriers have entry level driver training. Neal has found a trainer in Sidney willing to do the paperwork and training. Banner County would pay for the training. Neal would like the employees to get a $500 bonus after 6 months if they receive their CDL license. Gifford asked if we can retro active new hires into this? Kovarik reported the County can do anything effective January 1, 2023. Motion by Anderson to pay $500 bonus to employees that acquire a CDL license after probation period, effective January 1, 2023. Second by Gifford. Roll call vote: Anderson yes; Darnall yes; Gifford yes. Motion carried.

  10. New patrol unit: Sheriff Hopkins reported he has found a place in MInnesota that has a 2022 SUV for $37,000, or a 2023 for $45,000. Bids through the state are a 2023 is $45.000. The upfit for a new patrol unit is approximately $22,000. The price of a complete new patrol unit would be $75,000. NACO can finance, Banner Capitol Bank will match it, for four years with one yearly payment beginning in August 2023. Hopkins requested a resolution for financing if it is approved. The unit would also have Paramedic capabilities. Gifford asked if it was in the budget for a new patrol unit or for upgrades? Hopkins reported the budget was not approved for a new unit and some of the budget has been used for upgrades. Hopkins reported he should have money lleftover in the budget this year and histoically it has been 30% of the budget comes back, but could not guantee that number for this year. The 2020 patrol unit has 25,000 miles on it. Lyle Huffman asked if he would keep the 2020 patrol unit and use it when he got a deputy hired, and have the updated equipment in that unit. Hopkins plans on keeping the 2020 unit for the deputy, the 2020 patrol unit has 2012 equipment in it, with the exception of the radio equipment, which is new. Deb Genz asked what the time frame was on a deputy hire? Hopkins said it would happen immediately if there was a patrol unit available and if there is money in the budget. Motion by Gifford to purchase a 2022 SUV Ford Explorer patrol unit and finance through Banner Capitol Bank, authorizing Sheriff Hopkins and Chairperson Darnall to sign all necessary documents. Second by Darnall. Roll call vote: Anderson yes; Darnall yes; Gifford yes. Motion carried.

  11. Zelle contract: February 1, 2023 County Attorney Kovarik cancelled the Zelle contract, ending February 28, 2023. Zelle has done the employee handbook, will help with background checks, and help with the hiring process until February 28, 2023.

  12. Janitorial contract: CindyJean Stover and County Attorney Kovarik - Tabled until next meeting. Stover’s salary has been retro activated back to January 1, 2023.

  13. Courthouse key protocol: Price estimates for new locks. Darnall reported to replace the locks on the outer doors, it would be $300 with $100 mileage. An access pad is approximately $3000, as it would be hard wired. Each key made is $6.50. Darnall reported there have been 20 keys made, the County has 10 keys. Motion by Gifford to have three outside door locks replaced. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Anderson yes; Darnall yes; Gifford yes. Motion carried.

  14. Security cameras: Adopt policy. Darnall asked to have one Commissioner added to the policy along with the Sheriff. Discussion. Motion by Anderson to adopt the policy with emergency access for one Commissioner, and County Attorney Kovarik. Motion died for lack of second. Tabled until next meeting, County Attorney Kovarik will contact NIRMA on making a better policy.

  15. Approve corrections to payroll as necessary: Motion by Gifford to make necessary changes on the payroll. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Anderson yes; Darnall yes; Gifford yes. Motion carried.

  16. CLOSED SESSION: Per statute 84 - 1410 (1): Any public body may hold a closed session by the affirmative vote of a majority of its voting members if a closed session is clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual and if such individual has not requested a public meeting. The subject matter and the reason necessitating the closed session shall be identified in the motion to close. Closed sessions may be he eld for, but shall not be limited to, such reasons as: (c) Investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct. Motion by Darnall to go into closed session per statute 84 - 1410 protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual and if such individual has not requested a pubic meeting for investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct. Those present in closed session will be: Chairperson Darnall. Vice - Chairman Anderson; and Member Gifford. Second by Gifford. Roll call vote: Anderson yes; Darnall yes; Gifford yes. Motion carried. Time: 11:51 am.

    Motion by Gifford to come out of closed session. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Anderson yes; Darnall yes; Gifford yes. Motion carried. Time 12:30 pm.

    Motion by Darnall to go into closed session per statute 84 - 1410 protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual and if such individual has not requested a pubic meeting for investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct. Those present in closed session will be: Chairperson Darnall; Vice - Chairman Anderson; Member Robert Gifford; County Attorney Kovarik; and Sheriff Hopkins. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Anderson yes; Darnall yes; Gifford yes. Motion carried. Time: 12:33 pm.

    Motion by Gifford to come out of closed session with no action taken on the laptop in question. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Anderson yes; Darnall yes; Gifford yes. Motion carried. Time: 1:08 pm.

  17. The following claims were audited. Motion by Gifford to approve the claims and warrants ordered drawn on the respective funds. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Anderson yes; Darnall yes; Gifford yes. Motion carried.


PowerPlan $1,603.56; PT Hose & Bearing $113.19; PowerPlan $796.00; PowerPlan $70,57; Motor Fuels Division $93.00; Midwest Connect $223.00; Matheson Tri - Gas, Inc. $195.08; PT Hose & Bearing $114.36; PowerPlan $12,600.00

TOTAL = $ 15,808.76


Panhandle Treasures Association $25.00; E S & S $1,540.94; MCI $72.14; High West Energy $440.79; Culligan $33.00; North Platte NRD $101.16; Pack Rat Disposal $90.00; Timothy Grubbs $135.00; Bytes $625.00; AFLAC $3,310.22; Western Nebraska Observer $263.16; Nebraska.gov $11.00; MIPS, Inc. $1,695.58.

TOTAL = $ 8,342.99

Motion by Gifford to adjourn meeting at 1:32 pm. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Anderson yes; Darnall yes; Gifford yes. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 1:32 pm.

Next Meeting - February 21, 2023

Board of Commissioners - 5:30 pm