Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting

Friday, August 2, 2024

Event Date(s)




Banner County Board of Commissioners

Banner County Courthouse, Harrisburg, Nebraska

Tuesday, August 20, 2024 - 4:45 p.m.

  • Call to Order
  • Roll Call
  • Nebraska Open Meetings Act:  A copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is posted in the back of the Courtroom by the entrance.
  • Prayer
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Approval of Agenda
  • Correspondence
    1. Region 1 Health Authority
  • Public Comments:  Banner County Board of Commissioners will receive public comments on items discussed at this meeting, or suggestions for items of discussion at a future Banner County Board of Commissioners meeting.  Board will not act and/or respond to comments presented this date.  Please keep comments limited to three (3) minutes.
  • Items of Business Before Board:
    1. Water Excavation from Building - Jim Milner
    2. Road Grader Purchase
    3. Road Department Discussion
    4. Employee Handbook Updates
    5. Inventories
    6. Janitor Position - Clerk West
    7. Annual Certification of Highway Compliance - Clerk West
    8. Reschedule Budget Hearing
  • Claims
  • Adjournment

    Next regular Banner County Board of Commissioners meeting will be Tuesday, September 3, 2024 - 8:45 a.m.  Or at the call of the Clerk.

    * Notice of changes in the agenda by County Clerk (additions may not be made to this agenda less than twenty - four (24) hours before the beginning of the meeting unless added as an emergency item).

    * Agenda shall be kept continually current and is available for public inspection at the Banner County Clerk's office during regular business hours.

    * The Chairperson may call agenda items out of order as the items and times are approximate and may vary; however, public hearings as noted will be called at the times noted by that agenda item.  Banner County Board of Commissioners may discuss, consider, and take all necessary action on the agenda items listed.  Banner County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to convene in executive session pursuant to Section 84 - 1410 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska.



Banner County Board of Commissioner Proceedings

                The Banner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session, Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at 4:45 P.M. in the courtroom of the Banner County Courthouse. Notice of the meeting was given by publication in the Western Nebraska Observer.  A copy of the proof of publication is on file in the office of the County Clerk.  Notices were also posted in the Harrisburg, Nebraska Post Office; the Banner County Public School; the office of the County Clerk; and the front window of the Banner County courthouse.

                The agenda of the meeting is kept current and is available during the regular business hours in the office of the County Clerk. A copy of the agenda was sent to the Commissioners on Monday, August 19, 2024.

                Chairperson Darnall called the meeting to order at 4:45 P.M. Chairperson Darnall stated the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is posted by the back door of the courtroom.  Clerk Katie West took roll call showing all members present. 

                Lease led prayer.

                The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

                The agenda was examined.  Anderson moved to approve the agenda.  Lease seconded the motion.  Roll call vote: Lease, yes; Darnall, yes; Anderson, yes.  Motion carried. 


  • Region 1 Health Authority – West presented to the Board with Region 1 Health Authority’s budget letter for the fiscal year.  Banner County’s portion will be $2,839.00. 

There was no public comment.

Items of Business before the Board:

  • Water Excavation from building – Jim Milner gave the Board a status update on preventative measures to prevent water from seeping into the building.  Milner said the drainpipes are by the basements and the water currently pools around the building and it needs to be diverted away from the building.  Milner is trying to get a cost-effective option for the county.  There are a few different options that he is looking into. One is trenching in a drainage, another way is putting in a sump, and another option is to cover the egress window and build the dirt up.  He is still working on the different options with quotes.
  • Road Grader Purchase – The Commissioners discussed the purchase of a road grader for the road department.  Anderson said the plan is to trade off one road grader and two packers to go towards the purchase of the road grader.  Anderson moved to purchase a 12M3 Cat motor grader from Nebraska Machinery for $176,250.00 less the trade in value of 770G John Deere motor grader, serial number DW770GX628325, for $37,600.00.  Lease seconded the motion.  Pat Parsons questioned the trade in option for the county.  Parsons said that the machine that they want to trade in has just been overhauled and the county spent $70,000.00.  Why that machine and not one of the older ones that may need an overhaul in the future?  Roll call vote:  Lease, yes; Darnall, yes; Anderson, yes.  Motion carried. 
  • Road Department Discussion – Laif Anderson – Anderson said he did not have any updates on the road department.  Jay Dove said that two part time guys will work one day possibly two days a week and one started on Tuesday.  The full-time new hire is coming along great.  The road department is still behind but they are making headway on getting roads graded. West stated that the Commissioners have not made a motion for one of them to oversee the road department until a Highway Superintendent is hired.  This is per the request of the Nebraska Department of Transportation for the Highway Superintendent Certification. Darnall said they cannot do that during this meeting because this is a discussion and no motions can be made.  Darnall asked if they should hire Parsons Trucking to start re-graveling the four miles on Hackberry.  Parsons said he would need to get signs, and he could do it.  The Commissioners agreed to have Parsons Trucking re-gravel the four miles of Hackberry. 
  • Employee Handbook updates – Anderson said that the committee has not met but the updates are base rate of pay, road pay scale, and non CDL drivers rate of pay. Dove asked if the CDL bonuses are in the handbook. 
  • Inventory – West presented all department inventories to the Board.  Lease reported he had not reviewed inventories. West stated this must be done by August 30, 2024, by statute.  Darnall responded Board asked to have the inventories on August 6, 2024. Board has not had the opportunity to review inventories. Natale asked if the Board was going to check inventories?  Darnall said Board would review inventories prior to signing. Kovarik explained it is department heads duty to prepare inventories, Board signs that inventories are accurate.  Anderson moved to table the inventories until September 3, 2024. Motion failed for lack of second. Discussion. Anderson moved to table inventories until September 3, 2024. Lease seconded the motion.  Roll call vote: Lease, yes; Darnall, yes; Anderson, yes.  Motion carried. 
  • Janitor Position – Katie West – West said she has not talked with Elaine Menzel yet because of the legislative session going on.  But a temporary solution has been made for Ashley Morris. Morris has agreed to work two less hours a week in the office to be able to clean the courthouse without getting overtime. 
  • Annual Certification of Highway Compliance – Katie West- West presented to the Boad the Department of Transportation letter.  The letter explains what compliance needs to be met along with a resolution.  Anderson moved to sign the County Annual Certification of Program Compliance for 2024. Lease seconded the motion.  Roll call vote: Lease, yes; Darnall, yes; Anderson, yes. Motion carried. 
  • Reschedule Budget Hearing – Robin Darnall – Darnall stated that they are not ready to do the Budget Hearing and with LB 34 passing. The Commissioners decided to move the Budget Hearing from Thursday, August 22, 2024, at 4:30 P.M. to Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at 6:00 P.M. 


General: Banner County Court - $119.00, CC Costs; Bytes - $2,253.00, IT Services; Country Printer - $295.00, Office Supplies; DAS - $150.00, Data Processing; Ellison, Kovarik, & Turman - $2,683.46, Attorney Fees; High West Energy - $680.95, Lights; Holiday Inn - $404.85, Weed Training; Integrated Pest - $210.00, Pest Control; Kimball County Treasurer - $10,763.08, Extension Services; Level 3 - $771.47, Internet; Pack Rat - $45.00, Trash; Quadient - $660.04, Postage; Region 1 OHD - $1,095.00, Fees; Scottsbluff Detention - $6, 840.00, Prisoner Fees; Region 22 Management - $1,764.00, Fees; Katie West - $10.99, Election Postage; Westco - $45.63, Fuel; Western NE Seed & Chemical - $616.40, Chemical; Western NE Observer - $240.00, Advertising

Sheriff: AT&T - $131.51, Cell Phone; Banner Capital Bank - $20,349.64, Patrol Car Payment; DAS - $22.00, Data Processing; Eakes - $27.66, Office Supplies; Transwest Ford - $1,000.00, Headlamp; Westco - $427.31, Fuel

Road: A&A Porta Potties - $105.00, Porta Potties; AT&T - $46.39, Cell Phone; High West Energy - $$268.00, Lights; Johnson Cashway - $74.16, Flags; Menards - $95.53, Supplies & Repairs; Vistabeam - $87.95, Internet; Westco - $4,156.18, Lights

Anderson moves to approve the claims less claim number 02408113 to Region 22 Management for $1,764.00.  Lease seconded the motion.  Roll call vote: Lease, yes; Darnall, yes; Anderson, yes. Motion carried. 

Lease moved to adjourn the meeting.  Anderson seconded the motion.  Roll call vote: Lease, yes; Darnall, yes; Anderson, yes. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 5:53 P.M.

The next regular meeting will be held September 3, 2024, at 8:45 A.M. or at the call of the clerk.  An agenda of the matters to be considered at such date and time is kept continually and is available for public inspection during the normal business hours at Banner County in the courthouse in Harrisburg, Nebraska.


Attest:  ________________________________________

                Katie West, Banner County Clerk