Board of Commissioners Meeting

Monday, July 1, 2024

Event Date(s)



Regular meeting of the Banner County Board of Commissioners.


Banner County Board of Commissioners Meeting

Banner County Courthouse, Harrisburg, Nebraska

Tuesday, July 23, 2024 @ 4:45 P.M.

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call 
  3. Nebraska Open Meetings Act: A copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is posted in the back of the courtroom by the entrance.
  4. Prayer
  5. Pledge of Allegiance
  6. Approval of Agenda
  7. Adopt Minutes – July 2, 2024, meeting
  8. Correspondence
  9. Public Comments: The Banner County Board of Commissioners will receive public comments on items discussed at this meeting, or suggestions for items of discussion at a future Banner County Board of Commissioners meeting.  The Board will not act and/or respond on comments presented this date. Please keep comments limited to three minutes.
  10. Items of Business Before the Board:
  • Kimball Transit – Kristy Warner
  • Sprinkler Quote – Jim Milner
  • Postage Machine – Katie West
  • Office Improvements – Sheriff Zane Hopkins
  • Fire Department Radio Project - Tim Grubbs
  • Website - Kathy Natale
  • Wages
  • Janitor Position – Katie West
  • Budget Corrections – Katie West
  • Road Department Discussion
  • LPA Annual Certification
  • PPHD – West Nile Preventative
  1. Claims
  2. Adjournment

Next Regular Banner County Commissioner Meeting

Tuesday, August 6, 2024 @ 8:45 A.M.

  • Notice of changes in the agenda by County Clerk (Additions may not be made to this agenda less than 24 hours before the beginning of the meeting unless added as an emergency item)
  • The agenda shall be kept continually current and is available for public inspection at the Banner County Clerk’s office during regular business hours.
  • The Chairperson of the Board may call agenda items out of order as the items and times are approximate and may vary; however, public hearings as noted will be called at the times noted by that agenda item. The Banner County Board of Commissioners may discuss, consider, and take all necessary action on the agenda items listed.  The Banner County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to convene in Executive Session pursuant to Section 84-1410 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska.


Banner County Board of Commissioner Proceedings

                The Banner County Board of Commissioner met in special session Tuesday, July 23, 2024, at 4:45 P.M. in the courtroom of the Banner County Courthouse. Notice of the meeting was given by publication in the Western Nebraska Observer. A copy of the proof of publication is on file in the office of the County Clerk. Notices were also posted in the Harrisburg, Nebraska Post Office; the Banner County Public School; the office of the County Clerk; and the front window of the Banner County courthouse.

                The agenda of the meeting is kept current and is available during the regular business hours in the office of the County Clerk.  A copy of the agenda was sent to the Commissioners on Monday, July 22, 2024.

                Chairperson Darnall called the meeting to order at 4:48 P.M. Chairperson Darnall stated the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is posted by the back door of the courtroom.  Clerk Katie West took roll call showing all members present.

                Lease led prayer.

                The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

                The agenda was examined. Anderson moved to approve the agenda. Lease seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Lease, yes; Darnall, yes; Anderson, yes. Motion carried. 

                The minutes of the July 2, 2024, meeting were examined. Anderson moved to adopt the minutes of July 2, 2024. Lease seconded the motion.  Roll call vote: Lease, yes; Darnall, no; Anderson, yes. Motion carried. 

                There was no correspondence.

Public Comment:

                Shiela Newell, 3475 Road 37W, Kimball, NE 69145, spoke on concerns with Kimball Transit, the county’s budget, and interlocal agreements. See attached for full statement.

                Carl Gilbert, 307 Church Street, Harrisburg, NE 69345, said he would like to give a surveyor report.  Gilbert just finished the nine and a half miles of the Southeast Banner County line, so now all four county lines are surveyed and marked. Gilbert also updated the website on last year’s work and will update the work this year as soon as the State has reviewed it. Gilbert said he plans to check the drop box on the website to make sure all the work carried over to the new website.

Items of Business Before the Board:

  • Kimball Transit – Kristy Warner – The Kimball Transit Board had already appointed a Banner County representative.  Newell stated that Kristy Warner is the director and believes that there is only one person in Banner County to ride the transit. Warner did not show up to give a presentation to the Board.
  • Sprinkler Quote – West stated that this was tabled at an earlier meeting.  The Commissioners agreed that this will be later discussed after the budget has been worked on.  No action taken.
  • Postage Machine – West stated that this item was also tabled at an earlier meeting.  The postage machine will be outdated on December 1, 2024, and can no longer be used.  West has received one quote for a new postage machine.  A new machine will be $85.00 per month for 63 months totaling $5,355.00. The Commissioners asked if they must sign the contract or just buy it and how long it takes to get a new machine.  No action taken.
  • Office Improvements – Sheriff Hopkins asked if the Commissioners would be okay if he were to paint his office and the front office of the Sheriff’s Department.  The paint is peeling and there are spots where the wall is showing through. Hopkins also stated that they would like to move Chelsea Mossberg to the front office so she would have more space and it is safer.  Hopkins stated that he has gotten quotes to have a Dutch door installed for the safety of Mossberg.  Darnall stated the new budget has not been determined and they cannot make those decisions at this time.  Anderson and Lease said they like the plan.  Kathy Natale said that this would be more convenient for the people of Banner County and easier to serve them.  Lease stated it is an open space and it should be utilized. No action taken.
  • Fire Department Radio Project – Banner County Fire Chief Tim Grubbs explained to the Commissioners that our current radio system is outdated, and it is near to impossible communicate with other fire departments when there is an emergency. Grubbs inquired about the ARPA funds that were given to the county. Jim Wyatt, member of the Rural Fire Board, was also present to answer questions from the Commissioners.  Scottsbluff County has upgraded their system and Morrill County has just agreed to upgrade their system.  The current radio system is over 25 years old and obsolete.  The minimum upgrade is around $52,000.00 for five radios. The school, county, and fire departments will have to upgrade soon.  The Commissioners agreed that an upgrade will have to be made at some point and they will have to see how the budget looks when they work on it.  Grubbs is currently working on a grant to help with the upgrade. Newell said that the Fire Board could increase their levy and the interlocal agreements need to be upgraded before the county can help with the upgrade. Commissioners agreed that the Rural Fire Board would have to submit a formal request. Attorney Mark Kovarik agreed that the current interlocal agreements create a problem. Darnall asked Grubbs to get a formal report together and present it to the Board.  Darnall also asked Natale to have a report on what APRA funds are available. No action taken. 
  • Website – Natale thanked the Commissioners for putting up new pictures on the website.  Natale was also wondering if the Commissioners would appoint someone in the office access to the main webpage to make necessary updates. Darnall stated each office can access their own page and everyone is still learning to navigate the new website. Darnall has received compliments on the new website. Natale said that is not user friendly on a desktop and would like to see a few changes made and help with putting documents on the website.  Anderson said he will look on his desktop to see Natale’s concern and Kovarik said he will investigate the statutes for duties with the website. Kovarik stated that it is the clerk’s duties to post the minutes and agenda on the website.  No action taken.  
  • Wages – West stated that the Employee handbook is different than what was decided on the January 31, 2023, meeting for the wages. West and Mossberg are unclear of what to follow.  Anderson said that this is an issue that needs to be addressed and corrected.  No action taken.
  • Janitor Position – West told the Commissioners that Krakow and Ashley Morris would like to take over janitorial duties.  They would each do 12 hours a month at $23.00 per hour.  Krakow’s pay would be fine because she is salary.  Morris will have to check with the Department of Labor for the overall hours. Lease moves to table the janitorial position until August 6, 2024.  Anderson seconded the motion.  Roll call vote: Lease, yes; Darnall, yes; Anderson, yes.  Motion carried. 
  • Budget Corrections – West said that after printing budget sheets that there is some corrections that need to be made.  The corrections are putting funds that were in the wrong fund into the correct fund. The corrections that need to be made are moving the insurance from the Treasurer’s fund to General; the Clerk’s salary to Election Commissioner salary and District Court Clerk salary; Surveyor’s budget needs to go into General miscellaneous for contracting services; the Veterans, Civil Defense, and Predatory Animal Control also need to be corrected but West was still working on those.  Anderson moved to approve the budget corrections as presented by Clerk West. Lease seconded the motion.  Roll call vote:  Lease, yes; Darnall, yes; Anderson, yes.  Motion carried. 
  • Road Department Discussion – Anderson said there was not a whole lot to discuss. Anderson would like the bids for services on the next agenda.  Anderson also said there are two positions open in the road department.  Anderson would like this topic to continue to be on the agenda until otherwise told. 
  • LPA Annual Certification – (Local Public Agency) – West present the Board with the certification form.  Anderson moved to authorize the Chairperson to sign and date the annual certification form for the LPA.  Lease seconded the motion.  Roll call vote: Lease, yes; Darnall, yes; Anderson, yes.  Motion carried. 
  • PPHD – West Nile Preventative – (Panhandle Public Health District) West gave the Board the handout and pamphlet.  Anderson moved to have the clerk order the West Nile Preventative the same as last year.  Lease seconded the motion.  Roll call vote: Lease, yes; Darnall, yes; Anderson, yes. Motion carried.
  • Predator Animal Control – Darnall said she has had some residents that are trying to control the prairie dogs and called USDA and with cancelling the county’s contract they were not able to get the help. Darnall explained the reason was the cost of the contract. Banner County spent $9,014.98 last year for services, which was averaged $30.00 per animal.  Lease said he also has received calls.  Darnall would like to get something together to be able to give to residents for animal control.  No action taken.


General: Banner County Court - $34.00, CC Cost; Bytes - $2,249.00, IT; DAS- $150.00, Data Processing; Douglas, Kelly, etc. -$70.00, CC Cost; Ellison, Kovarik, etc. -  $2,102.64, Attorney Fees; ES&S - $3,303.23, election; High West - $550.95, Lights; Ideal - $98.88, Janitorial Supplies; Jean Bauer- $150.00, Training; Level 3 - $308.58, Internet; Menards - $79.51, Building Repair; NE Safety & Fire - $328.00, Fire Extinguishers; NE Weed Control Ass. - $150.00, Training; Pack Rat - $210.00, Trash; PADD - $593.12, Dues; Postmaster - $182.00, PO Box Fees; Scottsbluff Detention - $8,370.00, Prisoner Board; IRS - $7,326.08, Payroll Taxes; Westco - $10.48, Fuel; Wildcat Survey - $4,000.00, Survey; Zulty’s - $639.63, Telephone

Sheriff: Westco - $356.24, Fuel; NE Safety & Fire - $110.00, Fire Extinguishers; AT&T - $173.81, Cell Phone; Bizco Tech - $4,575.66, Equipment; Kimball Auto - $228.09, Car Repair

Road: A&A Porta Potties - $205.00, Supplies; AT&T - $46.35, Supplies; Eakes - $62.99, Office Supplies; High West - $263.00, Lights; Kimball Auto Parts - $2,081.18, Supplies; Legacy Coop - $2,914.89, Tires; NE Fire & Safety - $1,142.00 – Fire Extinguishers; Power Plan - $1,288.72, Parts; Verizon - $233.10, GPS Tracker; Vistabeam - $87.95, Internet; Westco - $6,835.59, Fuel; Ideal - $27.76, Janitorial Supplies

Anderson moved to approve claims excluding claim number 02407107 for $149.00 to Banner County Court and claim number 02407108 for $250.00 to Chelsea Mossberg.  Darnall seconded the motion.  Roll call vote: Lease, absent; Darnall, yes; Anderson, yes.  Motion carried. 

Anderson moved to adjourn the meeting.  Darnall seconded the motion.  Roll call vote: Lease, absent; Darnall, yes; Anderson, yes.  Motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 7:02 P.M.   

The next meeting will be held August 6, 2024, at 8:45 A.M. or at the call of the clerk.  An agenda of the matters to be considered at such date and time is kept continually and is available for public inspection during the normal business hours at Banner County in the courthouse in Harrisburg, Nebraska.



Attest: _____________________________________________

                Katie West, Banner County Clerk