Board of Commissioners Meeting

Monday, April 8, 2024

Event Date(s)



Regular Banner County Board of Commissioner Meeting


The Banner County Board of Commissioners will consider, take necessary action, and may go into executive session (pursuant to Section 84-1410 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska), when applicable. Any agenda item may be moved at any time at the discretion of the Chairperson of the Board. Public hearings will be called at the times noted.

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Nebraska Open Meetings Act: A copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is posted in the back of this courtroom by the entrance.
  4. Prayer
  5. Pledge of Allegiance
  6. Consent Agenda Items:
    • Approval of agenda
    • Adopt Minutes - February 6, 2024 meeting
    • Correspondence
      • WPS
      • Nebraska Intergovernmental Risk Management Association (NIRMA) Annual Report
    • Claims
  7. Public Comments: The Banner County Board of Commissioners will receive public comments on items discussed at this meeting, or suggestions for items of discussion at a future Banner County Board of Commissioners meeting. The Board will not act and/or respond on comments presented this date. Please keep comments to three minutes.
  8. Items of Business Before the Board:
    • Set Board Retreat Date - Don Lease
    • Weed Superintendent Position - Tim Grubbs
    • Authorization of Weed Department Equipment Purchase - Laif Anderson
    • Shop Upgrades - Pat Parsons
    • Fuel Bids - Pat Parsons
    • Janitorial Wages - Katie West
    • Auditor Bids - Commission
    • Public Computers - Katie West
    • Situla Road Agreement - Don Lease
  9. Adjournment

Next Regular Banner County Board of Commissioner Meeting

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

8:45 a.m.

The Chairperson of the Board may call agenda items out of order, however, public hearings as noted will be called at the times noted. The Banner County Board of Commissioners may discuss, consider, and take necessary action on agenda items listed. The Banner County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to convene in Executive Session pursuant to Section 84-1410 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska.

Additions may not be made to this agenda less than 24 hours before the beginning of the scheduled meeting unless added as an '‘emergency item'‘. Emergency agenda items, as required by State Law, may be considered by the Banner County Board of Commissioners. An emergency is " a sudden unforeseen happening or event which calls for immediate action and remedy.'‘

The agenda shall be kept continually current and is available for public inspection at the Banner County Clerk's office during regular business hours.



Commissioners Proceedings

The Banner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at 4:45 p.m. in the courtroom of the Banner County Courthouse.

Notice of the meeting was published in the Western Nebraska Observer. A copy of proof of publication is on file in the office of the Banner County Clerk. Meeting notices posted in Harrisburg, Nebraska at: Post Office, Banner County School, and the Banner County Courthouse.

The agenda for the meeting was kept current and was available during the regular business hours at the office of the Banner County Clerk.  A copy was emailed to each board member on Thursday, February 15, 2024.

  1. Chairperson Darnall called meeting called to order at 8:46 a.m.
  2. Clerk West took roll call, showing all Board members present.
  3. Chairperson Darnall announced a copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is posted in the back of the courtroom by the entrance.
  4. Lease led prayer.
  5. Pledge of Allegiance was said.
  6. Consent Agenda: To include Agenda, Minutes of February 6, 2024 meeting, Correspondence, and Claims.
    • Approval of Agenda: Motion by Anderson to approve the consent agenda. Second by Lease. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall no; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
    • Correspondence:
      • Kimball Health Services - Invitation to ribbon cutting for new hospital facility in Kimball.
      • NIRMA (Nebraska Intergovernmental Risk Management Association) annual report.
    • Claims:
      • General Claims: Western Nebraska Observer $902.53 - advertising; Vision Service Plan $167.55 - vision insurance; Scottsbluff County Treasurer $25.00 - county court; Scottsbluff County Communications $90.00 - panic buttons; Scottsbluff County Clerk $25.00 - dues; Quadient $83.26 - postage; William C. Peters $912.50 - county court; Peetz Coop $1,229.80 - propane; Panhandle Coop Association $25.00 - fuel; Pack Rat Disposal $45.00 - trash; Nebraska Weed Control Association $150.00 - dues; Nebraska Association of County Clerks $150.00 - dues; Midwest Connect $262.00 - office supplies; MCI $59.42 - telephone; Level 3 Communications $771.50 - internet; Jean Bauer $150.00 - training; High West Energy $486.95 - lights; Ellison, Kovarik, & Turman $2,121.14 - attorney fees; Nebraska Department of Administrative Services $150.00 - data processing; Century Link $137.30 - telephone; Banner County Court $51.00 - court costs.
      • Sheriff Claims: Nebraska Department of Administrative Services $22.00 - data processing; Century Link $36.10 - telephone; Nebraska State Patrol $133.00 - dues; Hotsy $255.25 - car repairs; Panhandle Coop Association $511.97 - fuel.
      • Road Claims: Cresent Electric $250.29 - shop repair; First Concord $15.00 - health retirement account; High West Energy $459.20 - lights; Ideal/Bluffs Facility Solutions $184.12 - shop supplies; Kimball Auto Parts $2,744.79 - shop supplies, tools, and repair parts; Nebraska Association of County Officials $50.00 - dues; Panhandle Coop $8,254.46 - fuel; Power Plan $400.65 - repair parts; Prestige Welding $543.03 - repair parts and labor; Scottsbluff Screen Printing $220.00 - door decals; Vistabeam $67.90 - internet.Public Comments: None
  7. Public Comments: None
  8. Items of Business Before the Board:
    • Set Board Retreat Date: Lease booked Double L Cafe in Banner County for the Banner County Board Retreat, March 22, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. until noon. Agenda will consist of items of discussion for the public and Board of Commissioners, no decisions will be made.
    • Weed Superintendent Position: Tim Grubbs proposed a $4.00/hour raise to do both Shop Foreman and Weed Superintendent duties. Discussion on filling position with Road Department employees, or advertising for a temporary part time position to assist Grubbs with spraying right - of - ways in Banner County. Part time would be approximately 20 hours per week. Discussion on wages for part time employee. Parsons reported Jim Milner is at $19.19/hour and Tim Grubbs is at $19.00/hour. Maintainer operators base pay is $17.00/hour. Grubbs reported the weed hourly position would be on an “as needed” basis for the five months, starting mid - May until around October. Discussion on remaining budget. Approximately $20,000.00 remains in the weed budget. Motion by Lease to hire Tim Grubbs as the Banner County Weed Superintendent/Shop Foreman at $23.00/hour year - round wage effective March 1, 2024. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
    • Authorization of Weed Department Equipment Purchase: Anderson stated if Banner County were to combine the two positions, there needs to be additional equipment. Anderson reported after looking at equipment, the County has a pickup with sprayer that could function with modifications and minor repairs, the condition of the pickup is still to be determined. The remaining portion of the weed budget (approximately $20,000.00) could be used to purchase the needed equipment and repairs. Discussion on budget. Grubbs stated with paying a new employee (approximately $7,000.00 for season), Grubbs wage increase, a new four - wheeler (approximately $10,000.00), a new trailer (approximately $3,500.00), and chemical (less than $2,500.00), by combining the two departments could potentially drop the budget to around $30,000.00 in the coming year, opposed to the $55,000.00 budget in the past years. Kovarik stated if the purchase is under $10,000.00, there is no need for bids, if the purchase is between $10,000.00 - $50,000.00, the County will need informal bids. West asked what insurance would be needed for the chemicals? Commissioners recommended asking NIRMA (Nebraska Intergovernmental Risk Management). Kovarik asked about personal protective equipment? Grubbs stated the personal protective equipment is not a major expense, and he will have it readily available. Motion by Anderson to authorize Tim Grubbs to purchase a new or used four-wheeler for the weed department, not to exceed $9,500.00. Second by Lease. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
    • Shop Upgrades: Jim Milner stated the sewer pieces in the recycling trailer were plugged, ventilator pipe was cracked, leaking under foundation, repairs expected to be complete by tomorrow. Upgrade to shop bathroom consisted of a urinal installation and sink. Shop also needs an exhaust fan. Milner received one bid out of five requested. $6,500.00 is in the budget for building repair for an exhaust fan this year. Motion by Lease to approve the bid from Affordable HVAC to install exhaust fan system in the shop for $4,688.20 to be taken out of account 2-1300 building repair/road department. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
    • Fuel Bids: Jim Milner presented fuel bids to the Board from Panhandle Coop, Westco, Dooley Oil, and Pine Bluffs Sinclair. Milner stated that the telemetry must be compatible with whatever bid is accepted. If we do not go with Panhandle Coop, the County will need to get new meters and telemetry. Anderson suggested changing providers for a better price. Anderson commented saving approximately $7,500.00 total purchasing fuel from Westco vs. Panhandle Coop. Discussion on cuastic dip and algae check in fuel tanks. Motion by Anderson to approve the fuel bid from Westco, for dates March 1, 2024 to March 1, 2025, and clarify diesel type. Second by Lease. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
    • Janitorial Wages: West asked if CindyJean Stover is to be paid salary or hourly. West stated currently she is salary. Kovarik stated if Stover was to stay salaried, she would need to be contracted. West stated Stover is good going hourly, her hourly rate would be $23.66/hour. Darnall stated she would like to review all employee wages every year. Darnall commented on the excellent job done by Stover. The Board stated that they would like to talk to Stover. Motion by Lease to table until March 5, 2024 meeting. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
    • Auditor Bids: Motion by Lease to approve bid from Dana F. Cole & Company, LLP to do the county audit for 2024 for $18,000.00. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
    • Public Computers: West asked what to do with inoperable computers? Kovarik and West will look at statutes in regards to disposing of computers. No action taken. Referred to staff.
    • Situla Road Agreement: Lease asked about a road usage agreement with the solar panel company Situla. Darnall stated that a road usage agreement at this point would be premature, and would like to work with Scottsbluff county. Kovarik recommended waiting until the Board is approached by Situla. Darnall mentioned a lot of questions may be answered in the meeting with Senator Hardin and Homeland Security on March 8, 2024 in Harrisburg. No action taken.
  9. Adjournment: Motion by Anderson to adjourn at 6:30 p.m. Second by Lease. Roll cal vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.

The next regular meeting will be held March 5, 2024 at 8:45 a.m. or at the call of the Clerk. An agenda of the matters to be considered at such date and time is kept continually current and is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the Banner County Clerk in the Courthouse in Harrisburg, Nebraska.