Welcome to the office of Banner County Treasurer. Here you will find helpful information regarding Real Estate Taxes, & DMV info such as Drivers License, Vehicle Titling, Registration Renewals & License Plates.
Mission Statement
We strive to serve the public in a helpful, courteous, and efficient manner, while maintaining the utmost integrity and fairness. The customers of the Banner County Treasurer’s Office are the purpose of our work.
To reach our mission these goals must be accomplished:
- Prompt and courteous service to the residents of Banner County
- Honesty and Efficiently
- Maintain communication and cooperation with fellow employees, agencies, and the public.
- Teamwork
Drivers License Schedule-
The Drivers License Examiner will be at the Courthouse on the third Wednesday of the month from 1:00 to 4:00.
For questions call 308-436-6597- Scottsbluff County Drivers License
Real Estate Taxes-
Real Estate Tax Statements are mailed out the first month of December for the current years taxes. Residents can choose to pay them when they are received, or pay them in two halves. The first half of taxes are due by April 30th and the second half of taxes are due by August 31st. Interest begins to accrue May 1st and September 1st at the rate of 14% interest. Taxes may also be paid on the website Nebraska taxes online for your convenience. The link to the website is provided on the Treasurer's page. If paying by credit card, there is a convenience fee of 2.4%, payment by e-check is also available
Kathy Natale