Board of Commissioners Meeting

Monday, April 8, 2024

Event Date(s)



Regular Banner County Board of Commissioner Meeting


The Banner County Board of Commissioners will consider, take necessary action, and may go into executive session (pursuant to Section 84-1410 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska), when applicable. Any agenda item may be moved at any time at the discretion of the Chairperson of the Board. Public hearings will be called at the times noted.

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Nebraska Open Meetings Act: A copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is posted in the back of this courtroom by the entrance.
  4. Prayer
  5. Pledge of Allegiance
  6. Consent Agenda Items:
    • Approval of agenda
    • Adopt Minutes - January 4, 2024, and January 16, 2024
    • Correspondence
      • NE Department of Agriculture
      • EMT Continuing Education
      • NACO 3rd Annual County Board Chair Workshop 2/16/2024
      • High West Energy
      • US Census Bureau
      • North Platte NRD
    • Claims
  7. Public Comments: The Banner County Board of Commissioners will receive public comments on items discussed at this meeting, or suggestions for items of discussion at a future Banner County Board of Commissioners meeting. The Board will not act and/or respond on comments presented this date. Please keep comments to three minutes.
  8. Reports:
    • Highway Department - Pat Parsons
    • Sheriff - Zane Hopkins
    • County Attorney - Mark Kovarik
    • County Treasurer - Kathy Natale
    • County Clerk - Katie West
    • County Assessor - Kacy Krakow
    • County Surveyor - Carl Gilbert
    • County Commissioners:
      • Don Lease: Panhandle Public Health District (PPHD); Panhandle Area Development District (PADD); Office of Human Development (OHD)
      • Robin Darnall: Region 22 Emergency Management
      • Laif Anderson: Office of Aging; Region I Behavioral Health
  9. Items of Business Before the Board:
    • Extension Board Applicant - Aaron Berger
    • Committee to Hire Handyman Services - Anderson
    • Janitorial Salary
    • Weed Superintendent/Road Department Position - Grubbs/Parsons
    • Review Road Department Compensation Rates - Darnall
    • Review Courthouse Employee Compensation Rates - Darnall
    • Fuel Bids - Parsons
    • Assessor Update - Krakow
    • Auditor Proposal - West
  10. Adjournment

Next Regular Banner County Board of Commissioner Meeting

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

4:45 p.m.

The Chairperson of the Board may call agenda items out of order, however, public hearings as noted will be called at the times noted. The Banner County Board of Commissioners may discuss, consider, and take necessary action on agenda items listed. The Banner County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to convene in Executive Session pursuant to Section 84-1410 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska.

Additions may not be made to this agenda less than 24 hours before the beginning of the scheduled meeting unless added as an '‘emergency item'‘. Emergency agenda items, as required by State Law, may be considered by the Banner County Board of Commissioners. An emergency is " a sudden unforeseen happening or event which calls for immediate action and remedy.'‘

The agenda shall be kept continually current and is available for public inspection at the Banner County Clerk's office during regular business hours.



The Banner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, February 6, 2024 at 8:45 a.m. in the courtroom of the Banner County Courthouse.

Notice of the meeting was published in the Western Nebraska Observer. A copy of proof of publication is on file in the office of the Banner County Clerk. Meeting notices posted in Harrisburg, Nebraska at: Post Office, Banner County School, and the Banner County Courthouse.

The agenda for the meeting was kept current and was available during the regular business hours at the office of the Banner County Clerk.  A copy was emailed to each board member on Wednesday, January 10, 2024.

  1. Chairperson Darnall called meeting called to order at 8:46 a.m.
  2. Clerk West took roll call, showing all Board members present.
  3. Chairperson Darnall announced a copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is posted in the back of the courtroom by the entrance.
  4. Lease led prayer.
  5. Pledge of Allegiance was said.
  6. Consent Agenda:
    • Approval of Agenda: Motion by Anderson to approve agenda. Second by Lease. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
    • Minutes: Motion by Anderson to adopt minutes of January 4, 2024. Second by Lease. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall no; Anderson yes. Motion carried. Motion by Lease to adopt minutes of January 16, 2024. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
    • Correspondence:
      • Nebraska Department of Agriculture: Board reviewed Livestock Friendly renewal. West and Krakow will complete the paperwork to renew Banner County as Livestock Friendly.
      • EMT Continuing Education - Central Community College in Lincoln - advertisement for Emergency Medical Services courses - deferred to Banner County Fire Department.
      • NACO (Nebraska Association of County Officials) 3rd Annual County Board Chair Workshop: Darnall and Lease will be attending February 16, 2024 in Kearney.
      • High West Energy: Notice of rate increase.
      • North Platte Natural Resource District: Notification of changes to the Harrisburg water system. Changes will be posted to the website.
    • Claims: Motion by Anderson to approve the claims as presented. Second by Lease. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
      • General Claims: Aflac $634.51 - employee benfits; Aptive $10,873.60 - health insurance; Arrgus Dental $218.84 - dental insurance; Banner Capitol Bank $4,131.70 - health savings accounts; C\olonial Life $205.06 - dental; Vision Service Plan $209.02 - vision insurance; Amazon $568.61 - office supplies/lights; Banner County Court $22.00 - court costs; Banner County District Court $247.00 - court costs; Cresent Electric $97.27 - lights; Culligan $39.00 - water; Douglas, Kelly, Ostdick, Snyder, Ossian, and Vogl Law Firm $310.00 - court costs; High West Energy $501.56 - electricity; Hometown Leasing $138.64 - copier; Ideal Linen $98.88 - janitorial supplies; Level 3 $771.47 - internet; MCI $57.66 - telephone; Menards $65.89 - building repairs; Multi - County Information and Programming Services (MIPS) $3,285.48 - data processing, printing, postage; Nebraska Association County Officials (NACO) $25.00 - training; Nebraska Weed Control Association $210.00 - dues; Nebraska Association of County Treasurers $50.00 - dues; Nebraska County Assessors Association $25.00 - dues; Natural Resources District $38.32 - water; Panhandl Association of County Assessors $125.00 - dues; Quadient $149.97 - postage; US Bank $529.79 - office supplies; Wilcat Surveying $800.00 - surveying services.
      • Sheriff Claims: US Bank $216.11 - office supplies; MOCIC $100.00 - dues; Detectachem $222.52 - drug testing kit; A T & T $182.90 - telephone.
      • Road Claims: Western Pathology Consultants (WPCI) $62.00 - drug testing; Vistabeam $67.90 - internet; US Bank $214.42 - repairs & subscription; Peetz Co-op $493.20 - propane; Natural Resources District $33.72 - water; Nebraska Machinery Co. $758.65 - parts; Johnson Cashway $815.15 - concrete; High West Energy $340.00 - electricity; Frank Parts $176.41 - tools; Contractor Materials $57.00 - tools; A T & T $46.39 - cell phone; Amazon $22.84 - office/shop supplies; Pat Parsons $10.00 - shop vehicle title; Nebraska Association of County Officials $150.00 - training; Ideal Linen $27.76 - janitorial supplies; Vision Service Plan $115.01 - vision insurance; Colonial Life $84.85 - dental insurance; Banner Capitol Bank $1,875.02 - Health Savings Accounts; Aflac $542.99 - employee benefits; Aptive $7,312.68 - health insurance.

Public Comments: Aaron Berger, Kimball - Banner Extension Board, stated he needed to leave before the Board review of Daniel Chesley’s application for the Kimball - Banner Extension Board. Berger presented Board with Chesley’s application.


  • Highway Superintendent: Pat Parsons reported the John Deere machines are up and running. 770G hydraulic issues fixed and running. Road employees are maintaining roads and repairing culverts. Parsons is looking for a non - mechanical screen to sort large rocks from gravel. Parsons stated the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) project is moving forward, but not complete. This project dates back to 2019 flooding on county road 6.
  • Sheriff: Sheriff Hopkins reported January was busy. Eighty - eight contacts in January, resulting in ninety - four violations written, seized 14.1 ounces of marijuana, and assisted State Patrol in at least two searches that resulted in Methamphetamine. Hopkins will be attending training in Grand Island end of February for dealing with Methamphetamine and leadership training.
  • Treasurer: Kathy Natale reported January was busy. Advertising for delinquent taxes is in the newspaper and will run for three consecutive weeks starting this Thursday. Delinquent taxes are down to $30,000.00. Banner County received $179,000.00 for property tax credit. Tax sale coming up in March. Lease asked how much it cost to run the delinquent tax list? Natale responded approximately $252.00 to run the semi - annual report, the delinquent tax list will cost approximately $1000.00 for the total of three weeks. If severed minerals could come off, would be substantially less. Natale stated after fifteen years, the severed minerals may be removed from the list. Natale will investigate on removing severed minerals from the delinquent list.
  • Clerk: Katie West reported election filings are due for the Banner County School Board and Banner County Commissioner by February 15, 2024. West stated she will be finishing up balancing in Kimball this week. West is working with Bytes Computer and State of Nebraska on a grant for upgrading computers for $15,000.00.
  • Assessor: Kacy Krakow reported working on values. Currently the residential sales are at 63%. All improved properties need to increase 52% to be within the allowable percentage of 92% - 100%. Krakow is working with the State liaison on a depreciation table. Krakow is hesitant to implement a new depreciation table until she has more accurate data on all parcels. Krakow’s office has be working on adjusting land values as well. Larger rural residential parcels appear to have high land values. Krakow is working on forming a tier system to reflect a more accurate value. Agriculture land will possibly not have as much of an increase as improvements, but will still increase.
  • Surveyor: Carl Gilbert absent.
  • Commissioners:
    • Don Lease: Panhandle Public Health District (PPHD): Meeting will be this Thursday; Office of Human Development (OHD): Meeting will be this Thursday; Panhandle Area Development District (PADD): Discussed computer broadband money available. Discussion on Banner County courthouse current internet provider and cyber security. Discussion on Board retreat. Allo Communications has submitted a proposal and would like a letter of support to get fiber cable into Harrisburg. Lease spoke with Lumen. Will be the end of March before paperwork is ready. Two - year commitment for fiber internet. Vistabeam has new packages available to provide Banner County with internet with the new system. After speaking to the State, Star Link is not an option as a contract with the State of Nebraska would need to be signed. Natale stated it would be $400/mth to the State to have a secondary internet plus the monthly internet fee. Lease stated Bytes Computer has been good with cyber security grants. Lease stated the Board Retreat can be held at the Double L Cafe, possibly in March. Discussion on Retreat date/location.
    • Robin Darnall: Region 22 Emergency Management: Darnall attended meeting on January 17, 2024. Only new business was discussion on purchasing an upgraded radio transmission trailer. Darnall spoke with Senator Hardin and has scheduled a town hall meeting with Banner County citizens, Senator Hardin, and Department of Homeland Security on March 8, 2024 at the Banner County School from 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. This meeting will offer information and answer questions regarding the 606,000 unit solar project in Scottsbluff and Banner counties. Also concerns with Banner County lands being sold at four times assessed values and tied to foreign countries. Darnall stated Gage county has a “Green Energy Resolution” proposed, she will look into what other counties have for green energy Resolutions.
    • Laif Anderson: Office of Aging and Region 1 Behavioral Health both meet this Thursday.
  • Items of business before the board:
  • Extension Board Applicant: Motion by Anderson to appoint Daniel Chelsey to the Banner County Extension Board. Second by Lease. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
  • Committee to Hire Handyman: Anderson suggest to hire a handyman to take care of repairs and maintenance in the courthouse. Highway Superintendent Pat Parsons stated Jim Milner was willing to do general maintenance and repairs in the courthouse. Milner will do repairs and maintenance on courthouse and keep records.
  • Janitorial Salary: CindyJean Stover is an hourly employee. Board asked West to have Stover fill out a job application and sign letter stating she is not eligible for benefits as a part - time employee. No action.
  • Weed Superintendent/Road Department Position: Darnall mentioned April 1, 2024 is deadline to hire a Weed Superintendent, however, training is in March. Motion by Lease to appoint Tim Grubbs as Banner County Weed Superintendent. Second by Anderson. Discussion on Grubbs duties as Weed Superintendent, Mechanic, and Fire Department. Discussion on Weed Department joining back with county Road Department. $50,000.00 spent in past on Weed Superintendent can be brought back to Banner County and be used for equipment and additional salaries. Discussion on Grubbs personal spraying business vs. county spraying. County Attorney Kovarik suggested the county own their own weed spray equipment. Debbie Keller, Banner County resident, suggested hiring college interns. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
  • Review Road Department Compensation Rates: Darnall would like to review employee compensation rates each year. Parsons will email the Board with Road Department employee salary information. Motion by Anderson to increase Road Department employee base pay 2.4% cost of living raise for all Banner County Road employees. Second by Lease. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
  • Review Courthouse Employee Compensation Rates: Darnall would like to review these compensation rates each year as well. Krakow will email the Board the courthouse employee salary information. Discussion on budget and cost of living raise. Motion by Anderson to increase the courthouse hourly employees base pay by 2.4% cost of living raise. Second by Lease. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
  • Fuel Bids: Highway Superintendent Pat Parsons reported he has three informal bids, but would like to know proper steps for receiving fuel bids. Parsons reported the county should be good on the past fuel bid through February. Kovarik stated formal bids are not needed on petroleum products. Motion by Anderson to table until February 20, 2024. Second by Lease. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
  • Assessor Update: Krakow reported an update in her earlier report. No action.
  • Auditor Proposal: Clerk West stated letters were sent to request Auditor quotes for 2024. A quote was received from Dana Cole, CPA (Scottsbluff), and Lengemann and Associates (Lincoln area). Board reviewed both quotes. Motion by Lease to table until February 20, 2024. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
  • Adjournment: Motion by Anderson to adjourn at 11:20 a.m. Second by Lease. Roll cal vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.

The next regular meeting will be held February 20, 2024 at 4:45 p .m. or at the call of the Clerk. An agenda of the matters to be considered at such date and time is kept continually current and is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the Banner County Clerk in the Courthouse in Harrisburg, Nebraska.