Board of Commissioners Meeting

Friday, March 22, 2024

Event Date(s)



Regular meeting of the board of commissioners.


The Banner County Board of Commissioners will consider, take necessary action, and may go into executive session (pursuant to Section 84-1410 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska), when applicable. Any agenda item may be moved at any time at the discretion of the Chairperson of the Board. Public hearings will be called at the times noted.

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Nebraska Open Meetings Act: A copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is posted in the back of this courtroom by the entrance.
  4. Prayer
  5. Pledge of Allegiance
  6. Consent Agenda Items:
    • Approval of Agenda
    • Adopt Minutes - March 5, 2024 meeting
    • Correspondence
    • Claims
  7. Public Comments: The Banner County Board of Commissioners will receive public comments on items discussed at this meeting, or suggestions for items of discussion at a future Banner County Board of Commissioners meeting. The Board will not act and/or respond on comments presented this date. Please keep comments to three minutes.
  8. Items of Business Before the Board:
    • Titan Machinery/Case IH - Anderson
    • Groundskeeper Position - West
    • Situla - Scott Ictees - Lease
    • Highway Superintendent Position
    • Internet Proposals - Natale
    • Void Checks - West
    • Affordable HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) Agreement Signature
  9. Adjournment

Next Regular Banner County Board of Commissioner Meeting

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

8:45 a.m.

The Chairperson of the Board may call agenda items out of order, however, public hearings as noted will be called at the times noted. The Banner County Board of Commissioners may discuss, consider, and take necessary action on agenda items listed. The Banner County Board of Commissioners reserves the right to convene in Executive Session pursuant to Section 84-1410 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska.

Additions may not be made to this agenda less than 24 hours before the beginning of the scheduled meeting unless added as an '‘emergency item'‘. Emergency agenda items, as required by State Law, may be considered by the Banner County Board of Commissioners. An emergency is " a sudden unforeseen happening or event which calls for immediate action and remedy.'‘

The agenda shall be kept continually current and is available for public inspection at the Banner County Clerk's office during regular business hours.


The Banner County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at 4:30 p.m. in the courtroom of the Banner County Courthouse.

Notice of the meeting was published in the Western Nebraska Observer. A copy of proof of publication is on file in the office of the Banner County Clerk. Meeting notices posted in Harrisburg, Nebraska at: Post Office, Banner County School, and the Banner County Courthouse.

The agenda for the meeting was kept current and was available during the regular business hours at the office of the Banner County Clerk.  A copy was emailed to each board member on Monday, March 18, 2024.

  1. Chairperson Darnall called meeting called to order at 4:46 p.m.
  2. Clerk West took roll call, showing all Board members present.
  3. Chairperson Darnall announced a copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is posted in the back of the courtroom by the entrance.
  4. Lease led prayer.
  5. Pledge of Allegiance was said.
  6. Consent Agenda:
    • Approval of Agenda: Motion by Lease to approve agenda, moving claims to after Affordable HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) Agreement Signature. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
    • Adopt March 5,2024 Minutes: Motion by Anderson to approve March 5, 2024 minutes. Second by Lease. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall no; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
    • Correspondence:
      • Treasurer Natale presented the Board with a tax sale report.
    • Claims: Moved to after Affordable HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) Agreement signature.
  7. Public Comments: None
  8. Items of Business Before the Board:
    • TItan Machinery/Case IH: Aaron Nein with Case IH presented the Board with information on Case IH motor graders. Discussion. No action taken.
    • Groundskeeper Position: Daniel Taggart has submitted an application for groundskeeper position. Taggart stated last year he was hired at $350/month. Taggart stated he works approximately 10 - 12 hours/week. Motion by Anderson to rehire Daniel Taggart at an hourly rate of $11.45/hour with an average of twelve hours per week. Second by Lease. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
    • Situla: Scott Ickes Vice President of Dunlieh Energy provided information on the Dunlieh/Situla solar panel project proposed for Scottsbluff County. Dunlieh is currently working on a zoning permit with Scottsbluff County. The goal of four hundred watt solar panels would consist of six hundred thousand to one million solar panels on 1600 acres. Construction should take approximately eleven months. West asked what affects the solar panels would have on wildlife and vegetation? Ickes stated the grass would not be killed and wildlife would adjust. Anderson asked about the impacts the panels would have on weather and climate as well as the effect it may have on neighboring lands? Ickes stated the ambient air temperature is seven degrees warmer around the solar panels. Anderson asked about the liability on the company in case of a fire? Ickes stated the project would be insured. Anderson asked about long term employment for local people? Ickes stated solar panels are not good for long term employment. At most, four to six people would have long term employment. Lane Darnall asked what the cost would be of the energy produced? Ickes stated the cost is not known at this time. Lane Darnall said there would be a need to compete with other energy producing industries. Lane Darnall asked if the system would get overloaded? Ickes stated they would have to build a grid to accommodate the capacity to the scale of the electricity produced. Anderson stated his preference is to use American made products. Ickes stated this is still relatively new, and manufacturers are few. Anderson asked the intent for Dunlieh/Situla to control noxious weeds located on said property? Anderson mentioned the land for the proposed solar panels is full of Common Mullein (a noxious weed in Banner County). Ickes stated this is the first he’s heard this, and will consult with Preston’s (landowner’s in Scottsbluff county). Lease asked about time frame on Scottsbluff County approval? Ickes stated it is on the agenda for late April. Robin Darnall asked if Scottsbluff County has signed any agreements with Situla? Ickes responded “there is a road use agreement included in the conditional use permit application presented to Scottsbluff County, but it has not been signed.” Robin Darnall stated she was only interested in what Scottsbluff County signs; Banner County may follow Scottsbluff County’s lead on the road usage agreement. Ickes commented that the next step is getting the zoning permit and conditional use permit approved in Scottsbluff County. No action taken.
    • Highway Superintendent Position: Lease moved to accept Highway Superintendent Pat Parsons resignation. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried. Board thanked Parsons for a job well done and his commitment to Banner County. Road Department employees were encouraged to come to the Double L Cafe on Friday to talk with the Board. Board asked Parsons to consider a administrative position position two to three days per week, primarily for paperwork. Parsons will consider it. Darnall asked about job descriptions for the Shop Foreman, Road Foreman, and Highway Superintendent positions. Discussions regarding county job descriptions. Discussion regarding committees.
    • Internet Proposals: Lease stated this should be addressed in the next budget cycle. Natale stated she spoke with Doug McFarland at OCIO. Changes in internet providers will need to be approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles and the justice system. Banner County Courthouse will need to get a second line at the expense of Banner County. No action taken.
    • Void Checks: Lease moved to void check # 02402120 to Nebraska Association of County County Clerks (over payment) for $150.00 and check #02402130 to Scottsbluff County Clerk (requires cash) for $25.00. Second by Anderson. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
    • Affordable HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) Agreement Signature: Motion by Anderson to approve the agreement with HVAC authorizing Chairperson to sign. Second by Lease. This is for the purchase of a large ventilation fan for the Banner County shop. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
    • Claims: Motion by Anderson to approve claims. Second by Lease. Roll call vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.
      • General: A & A Porta Potties $100.00 - rent for shop; Amazon $91.72 - flags; Banner County Court $51.00 - county court costs; Bytes $2,249.00 - data processing; Department of Administrative Services $150.00 - data processing; Ellison, Kovarik, & Truman$2,102.64 - attorney fees; High West Energy $536.33 - lights; Level 3 Communications $707.51 - internet; MCI $66.50 - telephone; Menards $750.77 - shop bathroom repair; Katie West $25.00 - dues reimbursement; Nebraska Association of County Clerks $50.00 - dues; Panhandle Coop $38.94 - fuel; Scottsbluff County Detention Center $3,800.00 - jail fees; Scottsbluff County Treasurer $50.00 - postage; Western Nebraska Observer $2,306.04 - minutes, delinquent tax listings.
      • Sheriff: Galls $38.95 - law equipment; Great Plains Uniforms $303.36 - blood alcohol test kit; Nebraska Public Health $105.00 - law equipment; Relentless LLC $699.00 - workshop; Panhandle Coop $1,063.45 - fuel.
      • Weed Department: TIm Grubbs $10.00 - title fee reimbursement
      • Road: Affordable HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) $3,047.33 - exhaust fan; B & C Steel $1,308.90 - autogate; High West Energy $391.00 - lights; Nebraska Machinery CAT $1,763.26 - repair parts; Pack Rat Disposal $160.00 - trash; Panhandle Coop $18,099.68 - fuel, grease, and oil (back date to January 2024); Verizon $466.20 GPS tracking; Vistabeam $89.95 - internet; Western Pathology Consultants Inc. $102.00 - drug tests.
  9. Adjournment: Motion by Lease to adjourn at 7:25 p.m. Second by Anderson. Roll cal vote: Lease yes; Darnall yes; Anderson yes. Motion carried.

The next regular meeting will be held April 2, 2024 at 8:45 a.m. or at the call of the Clerk. An agenda of the matters to be considered at such date and time is kept continually current and is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the Banner County Clerk in the Courthouse in Harrisburg, Nebraska.